深圳汇丰宏图建筑与景观规划设计有限公司,成立于2011年,经过10年多的发展,已经在公共景观、住宅景观、商业景观、旅游度假景观等多个领域,给融创、雅居乐、碧桂园、华侨城、美的集团、广汇集团、太东地产、珠江实业集团、中集产城、益田集团、恒泰裕集团、乐万邦地产等多家地产百强企业、政府机构等提供服务。地域覆盖粤港澳大湾区、华中地区、华南地区、西南地区,主要负责深圳、广州、成都、重庆长沙、昆明、南宁、桂林、郑州、邢台等27个城市。“重构生态美学空间”,是公司设计团队,共同的愿望,把低碳、环保、充满人文关怀与艺术气息的优秀设计理念通过有效传递给客户,并实践于社会。汇丰宏图的管理层都是深圳地产开发、设计行业 10年以上的精英人士组成。真诚、信誉,是汇丰宏图企业文化的基石;创新、敬业、务实的核心团队让您的项目抢占市场先机,打造出独一无二的核心产品 DNA。
Shenzhen HUIFENG Hongtu Architecture and Landscape Planning and Design Co., LTD., founded in 2011, after more than 10 years of development, has been in the public landscape, residential landscape, commercial landscape, tourism landscape and other fields, We provide services to sunac, Aloft, Country Garden, OVERSEAS Chinese Town, Midea Group, Guanghui Group, Taidong Real Estate, Pearl River Industrial Group, CIMC, Yitian Group, Hengtaiyu Group, Lewanbang Real Estate and other top 100 real estate enterprises and government agencies. Covering guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, central China, South China and Southwest China, it is mainly responsible for shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha, Kunming, Nanning, Guilin, Zhengzhou, Xingtai and other 27 cities. "Reconstruction of ecological aesthetic Space" is the common desire of the company's design team to effectively transfer the excellent design concept of low carbon, environmental protection, humanistic care and artistic atmosphere to customers and put it into practice in the society. The management of HSBC Hongtu are elites in shenzhen real estate development and design industry for more than 10 years. Sincerity and credibility are the cornerstone of HSBC's corporate culture. The innovative, dedicated and pragmatic core team allows your project to seize the market opportunity and create a unique core product DNA.