
源创易集团(中国)有限公司(Unlimited Creative Landscape Architecture design group ltd.)是极具发展潜力和创新意识的景观品牌设计机构,目前在国内各大区域(深圳、北京、上海、长沙、厦门、成都、西安)均设有分支机构,具有风景园林工程设计甲级资质,是ISO9001质量管理体系认证企业、美国景观设计师协会会,主要致力于住宅社区、商业开发项目、城市公共空间、城市绿地、公园绿地、旧城改造以及环境整治的专业景观设计及咨询服务,并努力在更广的服务范围内为客户做出优秀的设计。

公司服务的客户涵盖了各地政府部门及国内知名地产集团,如万科集团、万达集团、中海集团、保利集团、金地集团、中粮集团、华夏幸福地产、中梁集团、阳光城集团、华润置地、华侨城集团、中航里城地产、金科地产、恒大集团、碧桂园集团、绿地集团、招商置地、龙光集团、卓越集团、华强集团、宏发集团、领地集团、新城控股、鸿坤集团(排名不分先后),并多次与SWA、Belt Collins、Bennitt、Ekistisc、Bensley等国际知名设计机构合作项目。


UC Landscape Architecture Design Group is a potential, promising and creative landscape design company and is the member of American Society of Landscape Architects(ASLA), with Category B Landscape Engineering Design Qualification and ISO9001 Quality Management System Certificate. UC devotes itself to landscape design for residential and commercial areas, as well as a full range of landscape consultant service for urban public space, urban green space, parks, urban renovation and environment renewal. UC makes efforts to provide high quality designs in a wide range.

UC possesses a group of qualified design staff, design directors and chief designers with working experience in top landscape design companies from both in and out of the nation, and the projects they have done are distributed throughout the country.

UC has set long term cooperation relationship with some government branches and famous real estate developers in China, such as Vanke Group, Wanda Group, CITIC Group, Gemdale Group, Yango Group, OCT Group, Coastal Group, AVIC Group, Space Group, Caixin Group, San Sheng Group. UC has established relationship with world known design offices such as SWA, Belt Collins, Bennitt, Ekistisc and Bensley.

UC adheres to the philosophy of “being innovative with heart service”, providing excellent landscape designs, practical development designs and precise construction drawings, as well as quality construction coordination service, and all of them form exquisite display, thus reaching the design goal.







