《2022年|恢复性城市国际专题学术研讨会:景观感知与空间品质》是由英国谢菲尔德大学社会空间城市主义研究中心Socio-Spatial Urbanism Unit (SsUU)与同济大学建筑与城市规划学院恢复性城市研究分实验中心(RURC)共同举办的第一届面向海外优秀青年学者的专题学术论坛。今年将围绕“景观感知与空间品质”这一主题展开学术讨论、整合研究资源,为青年学者正在进行的研究提供一个开放性讨论、获取资深研究者评论和建设性建议的研讨平台。
2022 | International Symposium on Restoraitve Urbanism: landscape perception and environmental quality is co-hosted by the Socio-spatial Urbanism Unit (SsUU) in University of Sheffield (UK) and Restorative Urbanism Research Centre (RURC), School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Tongji University. It the first thematic academic forum for overseas outstanding young scholars in relevant arenas including urban planning and design, architecture, and landscape. For this year, academic discussions will be conducted around the topic of "Landscape Perception and Environmental Quality" to integrate available research resources to provide an open platform for young scholars' to discuss and share their ongoing research, and to obtain comments and constructive suggestions from the experienced researchers.
The Socio-spatial Urbanism Unit (SsUU) in University of Sheffield was established in 2020 and it is the first landscape-led urban design research centre founded at the University of Sheffield. In the following year, the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University established the sub-research center for SsUU - Restorative Urbanism Research Center (RURC), and together they formed the Sino-British joint research center focused on the theory, approach, and application of restorative urbanism. At present, the research center has carried out intimate cooperation with scholars and students across in top-class universities across the world as well as practitioners in planning and design institutions. The SsUU and RURU joint research center is becoming an interdisciplinary research group composed of academic researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners in relevant arenas.
Landscape Perception and Environmental Quality
In the context of globalisation, the contemporary practice of urban landscape is characterised by symbolic space production, ignoring the mining of humanistic needs and user experience. With the advent of the era of experience economy, sensory experiences and human needs begin to surpass physical spaces and become the focus of landscape research. Therefore, how to improve the experience quality of landscape space based on crowd perception has become an important way to promote the human-oriented environmental design and personalised cultivation of urban landscape. The research on landscape perception and environmental quality has gradually broken through the disciplines of architecture, planning and landscape, and become an important issue supported by interdisciplinary background: how to enhance the spiritual enjoyment of people based on their environmental perception? How to deal with the coordination between the basic senses, so as to enhance the richness of landscape? How to improve the physical and mental health of urban residents and promote the formation of positive social connections through high-density urban environmental quality? These questions are becoming increasingly important. We invite relevant scholars to share theoretical research findings, technological innovations and practical experiences from around the world, and discuss the cutting-edge findings of landscape research from different aspects of landscape perception.
1. 促进同一主题下不同学科、不同角度的思想理念之间相互启发与沟通;
2. 帮助参会者获得其他研究者的建设性反馈。除了参会人员之间的学术讨论,每个参会报告者可提名一位希望获得研究建议的会议嘉宾,主办方将帮助参会者积极联系相应嘉宾;
3. 帮助参会者结识特定研究主题下的潜在学术合作者,建立青年学者的国际学术网络;
4. 帮助国外研究者获得中国研究的进入途径。主办方将十分乐于帮助对中国感兴趣的国外研究者实现可能的学术合作机会。
1. To encourage communications and inspirations between different perspectives of relevant topics.
2. To help young researchers obtain constructive feedback from the experienced scholars. Every participant is encouraged to recommend a senior researcher or professor whose comment you want to get for your research. We will try our best to invite them.
3. To seek potential academic collaborators on your research topic and building an international academic network for young researchers within the specific field.
4. To providing potential academic opportunities in China. We will be honored that host foreign researcher who is interesting in doing research in China.
The symposium includes three sections: Guest Speech and Lecture, Research Presentation, and Panel Discussion.
Outstanding overseas PhD students, post-doctorate and other scientific research personnel, outstanding young talents with strong academic development potential (no nationality limit).
2022年6月25日 周六 | 线上论坛
Saturday, June 25, 2022 | Online Forum
Please provide personal resume, 300–500 words report title and abstract,and your nominated guest to RURC_Tongji@163.com, no later than Sunday, May 20, 2022.
联系人:殷雨婷 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院
电话: 021-65982107
YIN Yuting | CAUP, 1239 Siping Rd, Shanghai P.R. China
Tel: 021-65982107